The Boys

This Week’s Mom’s Talk Topic: Sending Your Kid Packing

Feel free to comment on this week’s Mom’s Talk topic, how do you and your child   prepare when they are going away on their own?  Although my son has been away for week long stretches, it has been in the care of a very familiar relative–thank you dear...


You know what a zinger is.  It’s one of those things that comes out of someone’s mouth that you just don’t really know exactly what to do with.  It’s not necessarily a dig, but often it is. These are the times you are so at a loss, you can’t...

A Weekend of Camping

I love where we live.  There are so many wonderful reasons why.  And one of them is the amazing parks system and beautiful places that are outdoors to explore within minutes from our home.  I just returned from a two day camping trip at Burke Lake Park with my...

Meatballs on the Beach

Am I the only crazy person that associates meatballs with the beach?  I was making a big vat of good old spaghetti and meatballs and during the course of my cooking them, my thoughts raced to the beach.  Weird?  Not so much.  Going to the shore when I was...

This week’s Mom’s Council Topic: Standardized Testing

I think our schools are so focused on standardized testing, a lot of time is wasted not learning, and it puts a ton of pressure on both teachers and students to perform.  I hate the fact that once the tests are over, not much learning seems to take place....