The Boys

Friday the 13th

Being Friday the 13th, it brought to mind some of the strokes of luck, both good and bad that have crossed my path. One day while I was on the playground with Timmy, he had to use the restroom.  Of course the park we were at did not have...

Get Outdoors and Geocache!

My husband happened upon a neat little distraction that we have been enjoying as a family whenever the weather is cooperative.  It’s called geocaching. In super simplified terms, it’s basically an electronic game of hide and seek that can take place anywhere in the world. You use a GPS...

Mom Instruction Manual

Am I a perfect mom?  Absolutely not. The title is a bit of a joke, as I’ve heard some moms swear by certain “How To” books for raising their kids.  When I hear this, I’m snickering to myself. In my heart, I know that every kid is different, and...

Apple for the Teacher…

This week being teacher appreciation week, it reminded me how much I really appreciate a good teacher.  In my formal educational career, I have only had a handful of really terrific teachers.  The majority of them were average.  And then, there were a handful that were exceptionally rotten.  So...

LEGO Robotics

My son has been involved in a terrific program involving a competition with LEGO robotics. It is aimed towards younger kids in elementary school.  My husband has been coaching this team for the past two years, and it’s been really terrific to see the kids get excited about learning. ...