
Apple for the Teacher…

This week being teacher appreciation week, it reminded me how much I really appreciate a good teacher.  In my formal educational career, I have only had a handful of really terrific teachers.  The majority of them were average.  And then, there were a handful that were exceptionally rotten.  So...

Random List: Favorite Places

Just thinking about some of my favorite places.  By places, I don’t necessarily mean a geographical spot, but just a place where I felt happy and appreciated that life is good. On days when we had no where to go, I used to love going into my parent’s room...

80’s Redux

I’m not above embarrassing myself in the interest of a good laugh. A friend of mine not so long ago posted a most lovely (LOL in a big, big way) picture of myself from my old college days on Facebook.  I do indeed love Facebook, but it does encourage...

Dear Mom,

I want to thank you for having me, first of all. I was just thinking some of the many wonderful things that we’ve experienced through the years.  I wanted to tell you how lucky I feel every day that you’ve been a part of my life.  I can’t imagine...


I’m not talking about nuns here.  (Although I’ve got my fair share of stories about them, since I was born and raised Catholic and went to 12 years of Catholic School.) I’m also not solely referring to biological sisters, but they are certainly a part of what I am talking about. ...