Proud to be an American
For even though we are by no means perfect, I am proud to be an American, and am thankful each and every day to have been born in this amazing country. Today is an appropriate day to be thankful for all of the self-less people that have given service...
Home Sweet Home!!
I admit it. I’m a homebody. I like being at home. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not a hermit, but I enjoy spending time at home and feel very relaxed and comforted when I return to it. And of course, I like a good vacation as much...
You know what a zinger is. It’s one of those things that comes out of someone’s mouth that you just don’t really know exactly what to do with. It’s not necessarily a dig, but often it is. These are the times you are so at a loss, you can’t...
Meatballs on the Beach
Am I the only crazy person that associates meatballs with the beach? I was making a big vat of good old spaghetti and meatballs and during the course of my cooking them, my thoughts raced to the beach. Weird? Not so much. Going to the shore when I was...
Wardrobe (Zipper) Malfunction
What is with these people, specifically these famous men with really great women who can’t seem to keep their zipper from malfunctioning. Ok Arnold. 10 years ago you fathered a child with a domestic who worked long term for your family. To add insult to injury they were born...