

Being a foodie and an accomplished cook does not come without a learning curve and its share of kitchen disasters.  I thought I’d recount today some of my favorite kitchen mishaps. Going back to when I was a kid, I always found the kitchen a comforting place.  That was...

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

What is the purpose of hair anyway?  I actually do know the answer to that question, at least I think I do.  Way back in our evolutionary existence as cave-men and cave-ladies, I suspect our hair was there for protection against the elements.  As we progressed through the timeline...

Definition: Obsess:

ob·sess: Verb – Preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. In honor of my website, named by my wonderful hubby, I thought I’d talk about some things that I am obsessive about. Some of you may be familiar with some of my...

Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo

Woo woo woo woo woo. That’s the best I could do. Couldn’t figure out how else to convey the sound of a siren. We’ve all heard that noise before. And dependent upon where you might be, or what you might be doing your reaction could be quite different. It...

#)&*@! BIRDS!

Nope. It’s not what you think. You are probably thinking, yeah, that damn angry birds game is making me loco too.  Although, I must admit I am stuck on the level with the four birds underneath the concrete, and can’t for the life of me get past that level…...