Branded for life…
As I’ve intimated several times before, I can be quite the creature of habit. I tend to know exactly what I am looking for, search long and hard to find said thing, and then am as loyal as loyal can be once I actually get my hands on what...
Word of the Day: Wonky
Definition according to the Urban Dictionary – WONKY: Weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. I really like this word, wonky. It just has a nice ring to it, and can be used to define a whole lot of things. There are times when things...
10 years, so long ago, yet so near… 9/11
I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel this year when those three digits representing that tragic page on the calendar of our nation’s history rolled around. There were tributes. Monuments. Stories of where you were. A lot of build up to remind you that it was on...
Squoosh Me!
Now that the kiddies are back in school, the calendar is filling up with those appointments that are just easier without having to tote them along, or worry about leaving them at home for a bit. Today’s slot on the calendar was penciled in with my annual mammogram. I...
Even though I love to cook, can generally pull off some pretty tasty food and generally don’t mind making a meal, I am in a total rut. I guess it’s because we are approaching the change of seasons and I’m tired of slinging the same old stuff. Nothing I...