Barb Welsh

More Curious Things I’ve Learned…

  It is possible for a bee to buzz up your leg and sting you while you are mowing the lawn.  Consequently, you may also have difficulty figuring out how to get the damn thing out of your pant leg. Should you happen to be sitting on a pier...

Recipe: Cilantro Hummus

I have been trying to avoid soy in my diet lately, and most prepared hummus seems to have soybean oil in it.  I really love some of the flavored hummus that you find these days, and was tinkering with some home made versions.  It’s very easy, fast, and nice...

Fairy Tale Wedding

I have to say I’m on the fence of this Royal Wedding that has been proliferating the media of late.  I’ve seen some of the coverage, as there was not much else on TV that morning.  I’ve looked at some of the videos and photos.  It’s nice.  I like...

Pet Peeve of the Day: Deceptive Packaging

Deceptive packaging has always been something that has made me crazy.  There are so many examples that make me want to shake my head, I don’t know that I can even recall them all. Today’s winner, and who knows if it was done on purpose, but it really ticked...

Mom’s Council Topic: Are We Too Plugged In?

Feel free to comment on this week’s Mom’s Council Topic: It’s an interesting question to talk about.  I know there are days that I probably spend more time online than I should, or worse just wasting time on things online that are not productive.  I admittedly am a...