
Budget, Schmudget

Wouldn’t it be great to pull together a bunch of no nonsense Moms armed with red sharpee pens to go into these budget sessions and redline anything superfluous out there and get us out of this crazy crisis we are in.  Obviously there will be differences of opinion between...

Latest parenting thing that drives me nuts…

The latest behavior that has been driving me up a wall lately with my children is when they already know the answer to a question, and still continue to ask you about it.  Yesterday, I was pulling out the vacuum, unwrapping the cord, and my son asked me, “Are...

The 27 Club

I don’t know why I keep thinking about the recent death of young singer Amy Winehouse. I definitely was not surprised, nor dare I say were countless other people, by her death.  But, it doesn’t make it any less sad.  She was only 27 years old, and no matter...

Today’s Mom’s Talk: Requiring Permits to use County Park Fields

This week’s talk addresses the county’s recent ruling that requires a permit for groups larger than 20 people to utilize the county’s athletic fields in our parks.  Apparently people that have been using the fields for pick up games have bullied other folks that have rightfully reserved the area...

I Love Lazy Days…

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t consider myself lazy by any means.  I can multi-task and be productive as much as the next guy. But isn’t it great every now and then to have a day just to regroup and not do too much of anything?  I think it’s...