A little thanks…
It never hurts to really think about those things for which you are truly grateful. I was just reading an interesting article that says that kids that are thankful are more successful, well adjusted and happier. Something about being grateful for what you have, helps you to be more...
If you had to plan your own funeral…
how would you like it to be? I know it’s a morbid subject, but it’s something I used to think about more often than you might think when I was a kid. Coming from a family where mom was one of 11 and dad one of 10, I have...
You know what a zinger is. It’s one of those things that comes out of someone’s mouth that you just don’t really know exactly what to do with. It’s not necessarily a dig, but often it is. These are the times you are so at a loss, you can’t...
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
What is the purpose of hair anyway? I actually do know the answer to that question, at least I think I do. Way back in our evolutionary existence as cave-men and cave-ladies, I suspect our hair was there for protection against the elements. As we progressed through the timeline...